Log4OM 2 Released
Release note – Version
- [NEW] Added Clublog/CTY file exception correction on all cluster items
- [NEW] LazyLog massive data entry interface added
- [NEW] ADIF export can now produce files with a reduced, user selectable, range of fields (File -> Export ADIF)
- [NEW] Added CSV export with user selectable/sortable fields (File -> Export CSV)
- [NEW] Option to invert FREQUENCY/MODE order in message sent to radio (Settings – CAT)
- [NEW] Added native support for network connected rigs through Hamlib (FLEX and similar)
- [NEW] Added SOTA Chaser/S2S/SWL TSV/CSV file format export capabilities (Award Statistics screen -> Export)
- [NEW] Added “stay on top” option on contest and winkeyer screens
- Added management of award reference alias. Will affect correct identification of USA-CA award references and others.
- ADIF and CSV export is now available also in QSO Management with full output filters
- Improved EQSL and LOTW import performances
- Improved WSJT/JTAlert ADIF inbound message performances
- Improved reactivity of QSO add function. QSO save is made asynchronously respect main UI
- Added management of the (now deprecated) QSL_SEND status “Validated”. This will mark all LOTW and WAS references as VALIDATED.
- New option in Alerts: Ignore statistics. Trigger the alert under any condition of worked/confirmed for the country
- Import of QSL_RCVD status Verified (actually deprecated in ADIF standard) now set the QSO as VERIFIED for DXCC and WAS
- Added option to start Hamlib application hidden (not shown on taskbar)
- Previous QSO and Worked Before no more on top by default
- small fixes in LOTW download interface
- QSO filters improved: Added capability to explicitly exclude QSO that have a specific award in the myReference/contactReference. Useful to extract chaser without ref2ref contacts.
- Clearing Callsign field in main UI resets map to station home QTH
- Updated SOTA routines to support new summits csv file from SOTA website
- [FIX] Massive QSO update performance issue fixed
- [FIX] grid field editor no more stay behind the parent screen if parent is set to stay on top
- [FIX] Length reported in ADIF format for frequency was incorrect
- [FIX] Omnirig dual radio – one off issue fixed
- [FIX] Award statistics view (chaser / activator / reference2reference filters)
- [FIX] Prevented removal of QSO primary keys (date/callsign/band/mode) at database level
- [FIX] My Rig and My Antenna not correctly retrieved when using a different profile in QSO Edit
- [FIX] Reported length of ADIF fields now consider // as start of the comment and exclude comment length from adif field calculation
- [FIX] Hrdlog sends online status even with not active.
- [FIX] Changes in Winkeyer UI won’t trigger main UI interface refresh, stealing focus
- [FIX] Current references in QSO under edit are not cleared if main parameters (band/mode) changes. User must check if current awards registered are still valid for the QSO even under new parameters. DXCC change always clear preselected awards