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Release note – Version HOTFIX

  • [NEW] Added new indication on worked before for calls worked in the same MODE GROUP (PHONE / DIGITAL / CW) if mode is not the same but belongs to the same group
  • [FIX] Fixed misplaced label in configuration form
  • [FIX] Worked before routine
  • [FIX] Alert routine for matching callsign (with and without wildcards)

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Added worked stations Lat/Lon on main interface (Info F2), Keyer interface and QSO edit interface. This data is retrieved from external sources, when available.
  • [NEW] Operator name can now be retrieved from previous QSO (using the name in the QSO used to identify previously worked callsign by band/mode) [OPTION in USER PREFERENCES]
  • [NEW] A new SWAP button will now be available near callsign name if previous QSO name is different from the one retrieved from external source. You can swap between them to save the preferred one.
  • [NEW] Added HAMCALL DVD (installed version) support
  • [NEW] Merge option in award reference will now update found references with the provided info (instead of simply skipping them)
  • [NEW] Added NULL and NOT NULL options in QSO grid search for null AND/OR blank values
  • Improved PERFORMANCE STATISTICAL CHECKS in the “performance” tab of program configuration
  • Improved performances and optimized code of the internal clublog/cty/fcc routine
  • Restored BAND_RX and FREQ_RX previous behavior on main UI even if they’re equal to TX
  • Removed BAND_RX and FREQ_RX on ADIF output if they’re equal to TX
  • Callsign passed to cluster (default from station callsign) is now cleaned up of prefix and suffix if present (some clusters doesn’t allow /QRP or similar). Technically the string <CALLSIGN> used as placeholder on cluster input is now cleaned up from added extensions
  • “Worked before” check routines optimized
  • Cluster map repaint threaded
  • Cluster map repaint will be stopped when cluster throttling is active
  • [WINKEYER] Keyer interface now use multithreaded queue as output buffer
  • Minor cosmetic changes
  • ABOUT message updated
  • Added usage data statistical report for users that have enabled the statistic report flag.
  • Updated EULA with detailed info on statistic information collected with user permission.
  • [FIX] Coordinates not saved on QSO creation
  • [FIX] QARTest incoming message updated to latest version
  • [FIX] Error on external data source parsing when no external source set under some circumstances

Release note – Version [BETA]

  • [NEW] Added worked stations Lat/Lon on main interface (Info F2), Keyer interface and QSO edit interface. This data is retrieved from external sources, when available.
  • [NEW] Operator name can now be retrieved from previous QSO (using the name in the QSO used to identify previously worked callsign by band/mode) [OPTION in USER PREFERENCES]
  • [NEW] A new SWAP button will now be available near callsign name if previous QSO name is different from the one retrieved from external source. You can swap between them to save the preferred one.
  • [NEW] Added NULL and NOT NULL options in QSO grid search for null AND/OR blank values
  • Improved PERFORMANCE STATISTICAL CHECKS in the “performance” tab of program configuration
  • Improved performances and optimized code of the internal clublog/cty/fcc routine
  • Restored BAND_RX and FREQ_RX previous behaviour on main UI even if they’re equal to TX
  • Removed BAND_RX and FREQ_RX on ADIF output if they’re equal to TX
  • Callsign passed to cluster (default from station callsign) is now cleaned up of prefix and suffix if present (some clusters doesn’t allow /QRP or similar). Technically the string <CALLSIGN> used as placeholder on cluster input is now cleaned up from added extensions
  • “Worked before” check routines optimized
  • Cluster map repaint threaded
  • Cluster map repaint will be stopped when cluster throttling is active
  • [WINKEYER] Keyer interface now use multithreaded queue as output buffer
  • Minor cosmetic changes
  • ABOUT message updated
  • Added usage data statistical report for users that have enabled the statistic report flag.
  • Updated EULA with detailed info on statistic information collected with user permission.
  • [FIX] Coordinates not saved on QSO creation
  • [FIX] QARTest incoming message updated to latest version

Release note – Version [BETA]

  • [NEW] Added QSO coordinate show/edit on main interface, Keyer interface and QSO edit interface. Those data are retrieved from external sources, when available.
  • [NEW] Operator name can now be retrieved from previous QSO (using the name in the QSO used to identify previously worked callsign by band/mode)
  • [NEW] A new SWAP button will now be available near callsign name if previous QSO name is different from the one retrieved from external source. You can swap between them to save the preferred one.
  • Restored BAND_RX and FREQ_RX previous behaviour on main UI even if they’re equal to TX
  • Removed BAND_RX and FREQ_RX on ADIF output if they’re equal to TX
  • Callsign passed to cluster (default from station callsign) is now cleaned up of prefix and suffix if present (some clusters doesn’t allow /QRP or similar). Technically the string <CALLSIGN> used as placeholder on cluster input is now cleaned up from added extensions
  • “Worked before” check routines optimized
  • Cluster map repaint threaded
  • Cluster map repaint will be stopped when cluster throttling is active
  • [WINKEYER] Keyer interface now use multithreaded queue as output buffer
  • Minor cosmetic changes
  • ABOUT message updated
  • Added usage data statistical report for users that have enabled the statistic report flag.
  • Updated EULA with detailed info on statistic information collected with user permission.
  • [FIX] Coordinates not saved on QSO creation

Changes from previous BETA version

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Added new user placeable UTC/LOCAL clock (Utilities menu)
  • [NEW] When Start clock is locked and his value is > end clock, end clock is automatically locked and set equal to start value.
  • [NEW] QSL manager screen visual behaviour slightly updated and optimized. Main search parameters are now saved
  • [NEW] Added CAT frequency offset preset configuration files in OFFSET screen. User may personalize them according to his transverter model
  • Added a 3 seconds delay before the UI is updated after a date/time change (only for date changes) to ensure proper data and reference lookup (based on date). After 3 seconds without changes on date field, focus is returned to callsign for another lookup.
  • Added propagation mode, satellite name and satellite mode filters to statistics and award statistics
  • Parameter search area refactored in statistics and award statistics screens.
  • Award granted management routine and logics rewritten from scratch
  • Cluster and other data grids performance improved
  • Awards are no longer searched in cluster notes if throttling is active
  • Throttling status is now visible in cluster bottom area
  • New parameter “Cluster batch” in cluster settings indicate how many spots should be processed before the user interface gets an update. Lower values mean higher pressure on CPU but faster cluster refresh. Works only if the queue of inbound spots is larger than the cluster batch value.
  • QSL sent and received status is now defaulted to NO on first install
  • [FIX] Hamlib: Changing port # in Hamlib CAT setup now updates the parameter string
  • [FIX] Hamlib screen doesn’t need to be closed anymore to apply updated settings
  • [FIX] Keyer screen. Shortcuts in the lower MACRO AREA (CTRL-F9) can now be clicked to set value in the currently selected macro row.
  • [FIX] Keyer screen. Ctrl/F10 issue fixed
  • [FIX] Keyer screen. Antenna bearing not saved correctly
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue in the backup rotation cleanup that prevents proper file removal when the path contains an underscore “_”
  • [FIX] Fixed LOTW -t parameter when output path contains spaces
  • [FIX] PDF generation has been fixed

Log4OM release changes

Some news from the Log4OM team, which we are sure you will appreciate.

Release 2.20 is almost ready, and will bring some new features and many stability improvements and bug fixes that will enhance your enjoyment of Log4OM

From the next release “beta” versions will also be available for download from the Log4OM website the same as the “release” versions. Please note that we do NOT provide support for BETA versions under any circumstances, we will however carefully check any bug reports that you report.

At the same time we are expanding the group of “official” Log4OM beta testers, who will have a dedicated DISCORD chat channel (you need to have a DISCORD client installed) and a direct line to the CORE team.

Joining the group of beta testers is a simple but effective way to participate actively in the development of Log4OM thus helping us in its creation.

Our only requirement is that you understand the application well and be proactive and careful in reporting any anomalies and try all the new features and fixes.

If you wish to dedicate some of your time to Log4OM you can contact us on the Log4OM DISCORD server here: https://discord.gg/tH4Dsh4n

73 de Log4OM team

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Added new INBOUND/OUTBOUND communication option called “DB_UPDATED”. This UDP Service can broadcast (or point to a single IP) the “database updated” message to force all clients on the same network, sharing the same database, to update their data. NOTE: Inbound and outbound can be set to the same port, as the inbound function will automatically discard self generated notifications.
  • [NEW] Added lock button to cluster view. This will actually freeze any update, including parameter change updates
  • [NEW] Added swap button on label routing page to swap between QSO saved information and external source retrieved data (if any)
  • [NEW] Added support for TCI protocol 1.7
  • [NEW] Added support for TX button in TCI interface
  • [NEW] RX change on TCI enabled rigs now update the current rig selection in Log4OM and follows frequency changes.
  • [NEW] New option in LOTW download to add QSO received from LOTW but missing/not found in your log (new check box in the user interface).
  • Updated chat server engine URL
  • Updated clublog server URL for exception download
  • Updated NOAA solar data retrieval mechanism from FTP to HTTPS
  • [FIX] Fixed a cross thread exception that occurred sometimes on CHAT interface
  • [FIX] Fixed single QSO ADIF import issue

Release note – Version

  • [NEW] Backup can now be saved directly in SQLITE instead of ADIF. This choice is selectable for main backup (+ monthly backup), alternate backup, none or both (for maximum security we recommend to keep at least one backup as standard ADIF).
  • [NEW] Backup can now be zipped as an option. This choice is selectable for main backup (+ monthly backup), alternate backup, none or both. Config backup is never zipped.
  • [NEW] New cluster anti-flood mechanism. The cluster UI refresh rate will slow down parsing refresh rate ((100 * number of active clusters) + 5000ms) vs ((100 * number of active clusters) + 100ms) of unthrottled cluster, when the application is receiving an amount of unique spots greater than the threshold (default 30 per minute). Increasing this value improve reactivity of the cluster refresh on new spots. Reducing the value will improve useability on slower PC’s.
  • [NEW] Added more options on ADIF import to speed up import of Log4OM backups with full data.
  • Added award filter for “my gridsquare” to show statistics based on QTH in awards statistics.
  • Added “blank” valuee to SATELLITE MODE dropdown list in EDIT QSO screen
  • ADIF default sort on export set to DATE descending
  • ADIF and CSV export optimizations on address field and other minor improvements.
  • LOTW confirmation download improved to identify more award confirmations.
  • Fixes and optimizations in LOTW confirmation download, now more reliable.
  • External source upload routine updated and made more performing (HRDLOG)
  • Internal database routine optimizations for better performances
  • [FIX] LOTW import now performs a full award search on updated QSO to detect confirmations on new references that require LOTW confirmation (USACA, WPX, etc)
  • [FIX] Fixed an issue with UTC date/time near midnight in some timezones when data are retrieved from SQLite db